lunedì 21 marzo 2011

farewell BilBolBul, Jonas Littke

Amici cybernauti, amici altolocati ma anche poveri stronzi,
Oggi giorno di primavera, oggi giorno di sole!
Oggi giorno di cambiamenti nel blog superspeciale L'ammazzacaffè.

Innanzitutto, riprende la rubrica degli ammazzacaffè lasciata in sospeso dopo il festival. Ma visto che siamo ormai a quache settimana dalla chiusura del medesimo, il nome diventerà Farewell BilbolBul.

Ma son sicuro che i più arguti ma soprattutto fedeli al blog avranno colto il cambiamento!
Altra novità sarà la lingua.
Ogg infatti per la prima volta, ospito, cyberneticamente parlando, un amico tedesco.
E allora colgo l'occasione per sfoggiare il mio zoppicante, claudicante ma soprattutto esaltante inglese! Un pò per far capire a Jonas che sto dicendo cose belle, un pò perchè voglio togliermi sto sfizio!
No dai, è che secondo le notifiche qaulcuno aldilà degli oceani mi segue, e allora cosa vogliamo fare, i maleducati?

Ach soooo! Let's start with Jonas! As usually, first the illustration, than my very romantic, poetic and sexy sentences!

Ladies, babies, men und women, let me introduce you, the personalissimo ammazzacaffè of


Jonas is a bomb.
Ok, is not so positive speaking about bombs in these days so, what can I say that I can say in these days...Jonas is like Spring!
I mean, hot, sunny, full of birds and flowers! No, ok, I am joking! But the art of Jonas is something inusual.
I mean, for me.
He comes from Berlin, but now, lives, studies, works and kisses Lynn in Hamburg. He works with digitizer, after some sketches by hand. He has got the gift of a very springly (?) hand, a very happy hand. He trains the hand and his drawings in very special sketchbooks. He showed (showed?) us the sketchbooks after a lot of Jever in Hamburg (maybe is that the cause of all that beauty, Jonas!) and, believe me, cyber folks, are very beautiful.
Jonas is a very good illustrator but since a couple of years (if I'm wrong, jonas, please tell me) his passion are the animations and videos. Later I'll give you the links to see the video of them. I say them because he works with Julius, another superguy that I've known in Hamburg. They built the 'society' Werkpilot who produce and create video.
I can't speak so well about all the work of Jonas, for the simple cause that I don't know 100% his works. But If you decide to go (and I suggest you to go, dear cyber friends) in his blogs, you'll see the magic that also a 'new' kind of drawings and technique like the digitizer can create.
But i really love the atmosphere present in the video and illustration of Jonas. Before I said that for me is inusual.
I saw very different "hands" in Hamburg. I love especially the Jonas's one because he create a world.
I love persone who are able to create a world.
Jonas put a lot of art, birds and flowers inside that world.
Exactly like Spring.

Here, the Jonas's links!

il blog:

the animation site:

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